In-house Booking Information
Email us for pricing and to arrange for delivery of the LCDP program to your group of 6-8 department/team members.
Instructional Team

Francine Girard-Griffith, former Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Affairs

Gerry Maffre, former Director General, Communications

JoAnn Myer, former Director General, Communications & former Head, PSC Personnel Psychology Centre

Josef Jurkovic, founding partner and Director, The Centre for Excellence in Communications

Leadership Communications
Development Program
The Context
Change and transformation in the public service makes demands and offers opportunities. Staff reductions and reassignments make it all the more necessary to ensure a motivated, trained and performing management cadre can successfully operate in the current environment and be ready to meet a future of continuing transition and uncertainty. This program responds to the need to:
- develop the competencies needed for inspired leadership to enable current and future leaders champion this change;
- ensure new leaders have a consistent and transferrable understanding of what it means to be a leader and how to communicate leadership during change;
- enable team leaders to be strategic and motivational;
- enable all managers in leadership roles to provide honest and constructive feedback to their staff under stressful circumstances; and
- ensure that managers can effectively be heard at senior levels within their organization.
The Opportunity
Take advantage of the CEC’s new Leadership Communications Development Program (LCDP) for EX-1 and EX-Minus 1 (and, exceptionally) EX-Minus 2 leaders and strong candidates for leadership roles.
The Program
Developed at the CEC by the team that’s delivering it, the LCDP consists of:
- Four, half-day focused workshops;
- Four, one and half hour, one-on-one coaching/mentoring sessions; and
- Pre- and post-program self-assessment by the participants, discussed with their supervisors.
The Workshops
Leadership and Influence: Charting the Course Ahead
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- Qualities and behaviours of true leaders
- Leadership roles in advancing change
- Transitioning from manager to executive
Management and Leadership Communications
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- Communications for leaders in times of change
- Leadership competencies
- Being at the table: Strategic and critical thinking
Leading People: Getting the Most out of a Performance Discussion
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- Your role as a leader with respect to managing and leading people
- People management competencies, skills and behaviours – ours and theirs
- The art of performance feedback: managing performance discussions and practice using a case study
- Tailored communication techniques to deal effectively with different personality types
Being Heard: Speaking with Authority and Conviction
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- Speaking with authority and conviction
- Briefing senior officials and Ministers – 2 and 5 min. drills
- Briefing and presenting to own and client teams
The Coaching Component
An integral component of the overall program, four one-on-one coaching/mentoring sessions, will be one and a half hours depending on individual needs and preferences. Coaching/mentoring will normally be delivered by the instructional team members. Additional coaching/mentoring at an hourly rate is available.
The Assessment
The program is designed to be flexible; it takes into account that there may be a range of development needs with different emphases for different participants. As a starting point, each participant completes a self-assessment focussed on their perceived needs which will be combined with the manager(s)’ assessment, in discussion with a CEC team member. A similar process will be undertaken after the program between the manager(s) and the participating employee as a prelude to the coaching sessions.